- Home and Train
Your dog will master the essential commands of Sit, Down, Place, Yes, No, and Free. They will also begin the foundational training of loose leash walking, a recall, and off-leash obedience with an e-collar.
If you would like to take training a step further, you have the option to level up to solidify your dog's heel and recall. We can help your dog through any excitabe, reactive, or unwanted behaviors. We also offer fun public outings to build engagement and set the expectations for your dog's obedience in public.
Through this intensive daily training, your dog will receive consistent guidance and instruction throughout the entire week, leading to a deeper understanding of the training concepts, all while you sit back and watch the progress.
On Saturdays, the spotlight turns to you, the owner, as you learn the techniques and expectations utilized during your dog's weekday training. This hands-on transfer of knowledge empowers you to maintain and reinforce the same high standards your trainer has set, ultimately strengthening your bond and enhancing the effectiveness of the training process.